
Sand Hot Spring 砂蒸し風呂

 Ibusuki is a famous city for sunamushi hot spring.
車の中では、「入る」と言っていたナノカだが、受付では「入らない」という。ダメな可能性が高いが、子供用浴衣がかわいいので、チャレンジしてみる事に。値段は、大人900円、子供500円。In the car, Nanoka said that she would try, but in the reception, she said no. I paid for three just in case anyway Yukata dress for kids was cute. It costs 900 yen for adults and 500 for kids.
貴重品を私が、ナノカを相方が面倒を見る事に。それぞれの更衣室に行き、浴衣に着替える。We decided that I took care of valuables and husband took care of Nanoka and we departed to each changing room to change to Yukata.
砂を目の前に、やはり拒否。仕方なく、まず、私が蒸される。ナノカは、はじっこで相方と、足を埋めて、砂遊び。それなりに、楽しそう。In front of sand, Nanoka denied to be buried. I first got buried and husband and Nanoka was watching me buried by two people with their feet dipping in the sand.
さて、私と相方が交代。すると、すっかりやる気になった相方が、「まだまだ、入っていたい」という。私は汗をかいた体が冷えちゃうし、ナノカはそろそろ限界。「お風呂の入り口に、25分に」と約束して、先にお風呂に浸かりに行く事に。I was buried for 20 minutes and switched with husband. He said he would stay longer. I could not stay outside since I sweated and would catch cold. We promised to meet up at entrance of the bath in 25 minutes to hand to Nanoka.
お風呂の前に、浴衣を脱いで、砂を落とす。ナノカが、ピーピーと泣くので、急いで、お風呂へ。We took off Yukata, washed sand away and harried to bath.
洗い場で洗ってやり、お風呂に浸かると、すっかり、温まり、ご機嫌に。このまま、女風呂でいいか、とも考えていたら、We washed at the shower and dove into hot spring. Nanoka was warmed up and got happy. I felt that she could stay at Women's.
はっと気づいたが、着替えやら、なにやら、ナノカのものは全部、相方に預けていたのだった。やはり、待ち合わせ場所で、引き渡さなくては、、、と戻ったが、浴衣は返却済み。二人は裸。Then I noticed that I did not have any clothes of Nanoka's. I had to bring her to husband. I went back to the entrance, but I already returned Yukata and there was no way to go out to bring Nanoka to husband.
仕方なく、なのかにタオルを巻き、「パパが外に待ってるからね」と言い聞かせて、送り出す事に。何度か、「ママも一緒に」と言い出したが、根気よく説得。2度目まで、「いなかった」と戻ってきたが、3回目に、「確かに、受け取りました〜」という相方の声が。ホッとした。I put small towel covered Nanoka and talked carefully to go to meet husband by herself. She said "Mom should come together" several times, but I was patient to confirm her to go by herself. First time and second time, she could find husband and came back to me. 3rd time, I heard husband voice said "I surely got her" I felt relieved.

「あたい、絶対、入んないから」というポーズ。" am not going to be buried"
自分の世界に入った相方。蒸されてます。husband was in a dream steamed by hot sand.
It was good hot spring. We had very relaxing and good time. I said, "It was amazing since this was natural fever!" and husband added, "It also says scarely" It is true. This is same fever that makes volcano. We were steamed by the earth.

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