ナノカの通う保育園は、モンテッソーリメソッドを実践しはじてから、長い。モンテッソーリ自体は、本で読んだり、説明を受けたりはして知識は増えても、のぞき見るのは別の話で、とても興味深い。 逆に言うと、こうして、子供だけで生活している姿を見ないと、「何が違うのか」理解しにくい気がする。英会話の教室とか、ダンスのレッスンのように、すぐに結果が出る物ではないし、積極的に教えて行くものではなく、子供が自ら、習得するのを、辛抱強く待つ、という、保育者側の姿勢に特徴があるからだ。
感じたのは、ナノカは、私といる時より、ずっと自立している、という事だった。集団の中にあっても、自分のペースで、自分の居場所を見つけ、 やりたい事を探し、過ごしていた。私といる時は、「やって〜」「できない〜」「ママと一緒がいい」と、常にくっついていないと楽しめない様子だったのに、わりと、一人で楽しめている様子。いったい、家の姿は何なのだろうか、、、と言いたい所だが、まあ、甘える事で、バランスを取っているかもしれないので、それも、仕方ないのだろう。
Last year, Nanoka was in the baby class and her friend taught her my visit, then I could not observe her school life. This year, same friend could keep secret and Nanoka also did not come to me even after she found me. I could see their development.
It was Montessori school. I read some books, but it was different to observe the real life. Actually it is difficult to understand the difference from other school until observing real life since it is not direct education such as dance lesson or early education like teaching English. It is the attitude of the teachers waiting for kids earning the abilities.
Nanoka looked so different from who at home with me. She usually did not play by herself just asking me to be with her. She was spending her time alone in the crowds, but looks very comfortable.
President said, "Don't think what they are at home is all of them." What at school is also a part of Nanoka. I only new my baby Nanoka but she has own world now. She would spread that and some day most of her world is beyond me. Then she would go. I simply felt so proud of her independence right now.
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