
Pottarika ポッタリカ

Nanoka was still under toilet training. She started peeing in the toilet around 2, and got better during summer, but in the fall, she gradually failed often, and finally stopped going to the toilet. Almost 100% she peed in the pants and I almost felt giving up once. After 2014 started, she again started going to the toilet. It was still half and half, but I felt relieved.
About poo, it was more difficult. SH never tried to go. Probably she hates to stay to be seated for a long time to wait for the poo comes down to the pod. I one day asked her to sit on the base to show husband's magazine "I will read this if you sit"
とはいえ、大人の雑誌。内容は、「コスタリカ、稀鳥の森へ」だの「雲蝶の見た夢」だの。しかし、読んで、と言うので、「ニカラグアとパナマに挟まれた中米コスタリカ。九州と四国を合わせた程の狭い国土のなかに、、、」と読む。わかるはずもないだろうけど。It was about "Costa Rica, the forest of the rare birds" and "Uncho, the sculuptor, dreamed" etc. "Costa Rica is the country between Nicaragua and Panama. The land was small as Kyushu and Shikoku get together and,,," She would not understand a bit.
次に、トイレに連れて行くと、「ポッタリカ!ポッタリカ!」と言う。ポッタリカ?Next time when we went to the toilet, she said, "Pottarica!" What is Pottarica?
指差すので、雑誌を開くと、「コスタリカ」のページ。ああ、ポッタリカって聞こえてたのね、、、She pointed the magazine and I opened it and found Costa Rica birds page. OK, she listened it Pottarica.
たまに、関係ない時に、「キチョーノモリ」とか言ってる事がある。意味もわからず、気に入って、覚えてるようだ。いいんだか、悪いんだか。Sometime, she said, "Kicho-no Mori" that meant "the forest of the rare birds in a difficult Japanese. She just liked the sound and memorized it. Is it OK?
I just did not want to make a habit to bring the picture books to the toilet, so I just chose the husband's magazine, but she ended up liking "incomprehensible sentences and photos." It gave her "special" moment of the toilet time. I noticed that the article for the magazine was written for reading to oneself, so it was a little bit difficult even for adults if they only listen to be read without text. Of course Nanoka doesn't understand even1% but she asked me to read 2, 3 pages and memorize her favorite words.
I also put the world map on the wall to make toilet more interesting place. I told her where I used to live. She got to understand that the map shows where people used to live. Then she started to point any kind of the map such as road map saying, "I used to live here" It is her fantasy. 
I just let her doing as she does thinking it is funny. It is the time when kids develop their own knowledge and ability and I should do something better, but I do not know what is the right answer. Anyway it is just so beautiful to watch the kids got new idea. I am happy to observe it.

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