
A little mommy 世話やきさん

Two weeks has past since Nanoka got 2 years old. She developed so much about her speaking abilities recently.
I heard about terrible two. Right now, she did not keep being terrible even when she was not in the mood. So I felt that she just gained more communication ability and just feel like, "incredible two, so cute, so much fun!" Well, the battle has just started, though.
2歳と言えば、魔の2歳とも言って、自我が出てきたため、反抗するようになるらしい。今のところ、イヤイヤ言い出しても、案外、引き下がる時は引き下がるので、「話がわかるようになって、楽しい!かわいい! 」の方が上な感じだ。バトルはこれから、なのだろうけど。
Nanoka wanted to act like mother. "Want to sleep?" asked to staffed animal, holding them in her arms and let them sleep, covered with many towels and sang a song tendering(beating actually).世話好きのナノカ。「ねんね、したいの?そう」とペンペン(ぬいぐるみ)を抱っこして呼びかけ、寝かすと、タオルをあるだけ被せて、「ねんねこよ〜」とバンバン叩きながら、寝かしつける。
She did same to real people. She let me lay down and cover with many small towels. She beated me, too. It is actually hurt. But anyway she is so serious that I have to accompany with her.もちろん、リアルな人間でも、実践。「ママ、ねんねして」と横にすると、ミニタオルをかけ、バシバシ叩かれる。結構、痛い。でも、本人、真剣だから、付き合うしかないよねえ〜。
Yesterday, she came to kitchen to look for something nice in the shelf. She found her old mug with nipple and so glad to say, "Baby's!"昨日、料理していると、勝手にキッチンの引き出しを物色して、赤ちゃん時代の吸い口のついたマグを見つけた。「赤ちゃんの!」と大喜び。
She set up the mug and covered with towel and fed the staffed animal. She watched teachers doing that at the school. I gave her small pot and advised her to wipe the mouth after feeding. So did she. She was such a good mom!マグにボタンをつめると、ミニタオルでくるんで、ぬいぐるみに飲ませていた。タオルで包むのは、保育園で先生達がやってるのを見たんだろう。小さなポットを貸してあげると、うれしそうに使っていた。また、「ミルク飲んだら、お口拭いてあげてね」と言ったら、マメにふいていた。出来のいい、お母さんですこと!
House play is kid's main play. They change the way as they grow. First Nanoka was pretending putting something in container and eat in the air, but now she used more tools. Now she is devoted to make lunch box and brought to the other room to eat. I still did not buy any kitchen toys, but she tried to find the way to enjoy using what she found. It is very funny and cute. She even asked staffed animals to change the dipper. Well, you should change yourself, too!

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