
snow day ゆきのひ

Friday morning, we found some snow on the top of the building. I put warmer clothes on Nanoka to go to the school wondering if we could reach there.金曜の朝起きると、屋上に雪が積もっていた。バス停まで行けるだろうか?いつもよりナノカに多めに着せて、出発することに。
The stairs down to the bus stop looked frozen. I hesitated to go and think if I should go or not, Nanoka shake her head saying"No!" She dislike unusual snowy sight and scared. 階段の入り口まで来ると、ガッツリ凍っていた。うーん、、、危なそうだなあ。覗き込んで、試してみるか、迷っていると、ナノカが「いや〜」と頭を振った。見た目の雰囲気がいつもと違うのと、寒いので、すっかり怯えたようだ。
We went back home and called to the school for absence. Nanoka looked happy on my knee just laying. I asked her to go out in the afternoon after it got warmer, but she answered, "No" and "At home!" I was thinking she enjoyed the school OK but I noticed that it could be still stressful for her. 仕方なく引き返し、保育園に欠席の電話をすると、家にいるから退屈かと思いきや、ナノカはいつもよりご機嫌。ひざにべったりくっついて、ダラダラ甘えてきた。午後になって、暖かくなってきたので「出かけようっか」と誘っても、「いやあ。おうち」と断る。「ナノカは平気だ。頼もしいなあ。」と思い込んでいたけど、やっぱり、保育園は新しい場所だし、緊張してたんだね。
Anyway in the afternoon, we went out to walk down the stairs to the city. It was still frozen and I had to hold tight with two hands not to slip with Nanoka-it would be so dangerous. I felt I became stronger by the life here.午後、結局、出かけてみたが、それでもまだ、地面が凍っている箇所もあり、手すりに両手でしがみついて、転ばないように降りた。腕で二人の体重を支えたので、かなり疲れた。ここでの生活、結構、鍛えられてます、、、
From Thursday night, it had been snowing and we found the snow cover the rooftop of the building on Friday morning. Nagasaki is located southern of Japan and some people had image that it must be warmer, but actually it got snow every winter because of ocean stream. But still people this area don't prepare for the snow at all and they got trouble when it snowed. Nanoka did not like snow and I showed some snow books-Snow by Burningum was short and good for Nanoka I thought but she had no interest. Snowy Day by Keats must be difficult for her, but actually she asked me to read three time. It was different point of view from adult's that what is difficult and interesting for kids, I realized.

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