
bloof test 採血

We entered the doctor's room and Nanoka found the familiar(and unfavored)atmosphere.診療室に呼ばれて入ると、すぐにナノカはその雰囲気で思い出した。これは、、、
Actually this doctor did nothing. He even didn't touch her at all and he and I talked about her daily diet and allergic reaction. During the meeting, she kept crying hard.口をこじ開けたり、つめたいものを背中に押しつけたり、あげくは注射する所だ!うわーん。実際は、ドクターはナノカには全く触らず、話をしただけだったが、その間、ナノカはずっと泣き続けた。
At the end of session, doctor said that she should take the blood test this time and wait for it at the waiting room. He said bye to Nanoka and she noticed that was over without any uncomfortable treatment. She became happy!「そうですね。その様子だと、卵と大豆にしぼれた感じですね。では、採血です。待合室で待っていて下さい」部屋を出ていく雰囲気を察知したナノカは、「なんにもされずに終わった!」と有頂天。一気に機嫌を直し、鼻歌まじりに待合室で遊びだした。
We were invited to another room and nurses were laying Nanoka at the bed to take the blood. She quietly followed them-she believed the doctor thing was over and trusted these women. I was asked to go out during blood test.その後、違う部屋で、看護婦さんにベッドに寝かされて、採血の準備をされたが、おとなしく指示に従い、身を委ねている。さっきのドクターの時はあんなに手こずったのに!どうやら、ベテラン看護婦さんのやさしい雰囲気に、信頼を寄せてるようだ。
Soon I heard her cry from the room. Nano, do not judge only from your small experiences.母親は外で待つように言われ、外に出ると、中から大きな泣き声が聞こえた。呼ばれて中に入ると、採血を終えたナノカが、ベテラン看護士さんの腕を蹴っていた。ナノちゃん、君のまだまだ浅い経験から、物事を全部判断しちゃダメよ〜。
Nanoka is allergic to some food. At the 10th month, she got strong reaction after eating cheese bread and she got blood test. The result was high in the egg and she was advised to remove egg from her dishes. It is still going on.
In order to go to the nursery school, we have to hand in the medical document to prove her allergy. We went to the general hospital.
Nanoka hates the clinic and doctor as other kids do. She thinks that it was uncomfortable place and bad person who did something uncomfortable for her. So before they do something, she burst to cry. This time, she thought that the doctor had gone and it was over, she was happy-the blood test was unexpected matter for her done by the friendly nurses. Nano, the life is not easy to guess from your short life experiences...


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