
wild duck wedding card 鴨ウェディング招待状

3月末に、ごく、うちうちの身内だけの食事会を催します。その招待状を作成。カメラに傷が入ってる上に、照明がイマイチなので、ちょっと見難いですが、「鴨カップル」の「鴨食事会」の「鴨招待状」です。We will have very small wedding lunch with only closest relatives. These are invitation card I made for that. It is "wild duck" wedding card.

envelope with cherry blossom seal, inside and outside of invitation card 封筒と桜シール(ちょうど、桜が咲くといいんだけど)、招待状の表と中身

Outside of invitation card. Printed on Japanese paper. これも、ぼけた写真ですが、招待状の表。鴨がドードーにちょっと似てるのが気になる。

I put the wild duck even on the map. 手書きの地図の中にも、鴨がいたりします。

2 件のコメント:

abdcot さんのコメント...

really beauty card!
I think that it's the best, just closer relatives as well as do something with best friends and just that

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

Yes, I agree.
Especially many of my aunt and uncles are in older generations, they will feel wierd to my friend's dance or songs staff. So I would love to have relaxed lunch with relatives and have fun party with closer friends separately.Well. I did not plan party one since my belly is getting bigger,,,