
Thousands stars 満天の星

絶景の中瀬草原キャンプ場。Camping at the Nakase Plain.
 連休、私は作業がしたかったが、季節もいいのに、お出かけなし、というのも、つまらないので、一日目にささっとお気軽キャンプに出かけた。場所は、平戸市田平町の中瀬草原キャンプ場。なんと、タダ!家を3時に出るという、気合いの入らないキャンプ計画。We had longer weekend. I had works to do, but we still should enjoy the best weather! So we had simple camping.
再び、ヘボヘボアウトドア料理。焼き肉と塩焼きサンマ。easy outdoor dinner and breakfast. 
夜、寝る前に上空を見ると、天の川が見えるほどの、満天の星。あまりに星がありすぎて、知識のない私たちには、かえって、どの星座も見つけられないほど。草原に寝転んで、しばらく、眺めた。今度は、少し、勉強してから、来よう。The fire and water equpments are far down to the hill and hard to go blocked by wild grasses. Still it is nice weather, nice view and well-mannered visitors. Good camping this time.
We found the thousands stars including milky way over the sky in the night.
2日目、帰宅前に「花摘み」がしたいというので、千里が浜海岸によると、数分後には海水浴状態、、、on way home, Nanoka wanted to pick the flowers and we stopped near beach. In a minutes she jumped into water,,,,
She was interested in the stars for the first time. I tried to read the book related to that, but I only found a bit difficult "cosmos"book. She listened to that quietly and requested next night, too. I wonder if she could enjoy such a difficult one. Then last night in the bed, she told me, "she did not understand it at all" very sadly. Sorry, she had wanted to understand.

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