Nanoka's school had the sport event last Saturday. Husband had to work on that day, so I asked my relative to give us a ride. Nanoka was happy to have guests.
She was so excited that woke up at 6, ready to go at 7, but at 9 when we got there, she was too shy to be by herself. She kept grabbing teacher's leg and mine,,,she could not make it for the running track-other smaller friends could. I could see each inside character very well. Some quiet kids are really strong and independent. Is Nanoka someday going to be independent to do her staff?
運動会。甘えっ子が出てきて、かけっこも母と走る。She did not leave me. |
最後は、友達同士、仲良く手をつないで、入場行進できた。Nanoka could march with friends at the end. |
夜ようやく、寝かしたが、私には、まだ、お仕事が、、、ようやく仕上がった原画を画像処理して、提出せねば、、、なのだ。I was exusted after a day, but exited Nanoka did not allow me to have a nap. Finally in the night, she got asleep, but I had to hand in postcards data to the printing company.
工房に入る、やわらかい日の光がかもし出す、空気感を大切に。soft sunlight to the workshop. |
まだ暗い明け方に、人工の白熱灯が照らす、懐かしい雰囲気の、活気ある市場。retro light in the early morning market. |
こちらは、新しい門出を祝う、晴天の浅子教会。建物が映えるように、緑で囲んで。sunny Sunday wedding in the bright green to the charming village church. |
Water color is the medium to express light/shadow, air, water etc very well. On the other side, it is a little weak compared with others. Expecially when in printing, it is hard to make the same quality. I usually reduce the detail when I do the illustration job not to compete to the text and info.
These are private collection and I forget about those theory and just concentrate on making good pieces to enjoy as a picture. I hope they come out well in the printing process.
ちなみに、ポストカードは4枚一組で作るに、3枚描いた時点で、時間切れになったので、最後の一枚は、手持ちの、こちらの絵にしました。イースターの絵だけど、春のカードという事で。I coult not make 4 new pieces so I added one from my old picture. Easter card. |
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