
About English education 英語について

ナノカが生まれた時、「英語、どうする?」と話し合った。私の友人と会った時に、抵抗なく、会話ぐらいできたらいいなあ、との思いもあり、迷いがあった。When Nanoka was born, we were not sure if we should teach Nanoka English or not.
そうしているうちに、時が過ぎ、ナノカに日本語が、すっかり定着した。今後、どんな言語を聞いても、基本的な日本語が確立してるので、大丈夫だろうと、英語の中古ビデオを買ってみた。The time had passed, and she gained quite good Japanese speaking ability. Then I decided to buy the English DVD thinking it won't has any bad influence for her language.
結果、英語のビデオを、日本語でナノカが説明してくれる、という状態に。ナノカの頭の中は、もう、日本語でできあがってるので、英語は、「音」でしかない。It might be too late for bilingual education. She explained all video in Japanese. English is now only the sound to her.
なぜ今まで教えなかったかと言うと、私が、脳学者の「基礎言語はひとつがいい。脳が混乱する」という説を、信じたからだ。バイリンガルになる環境が整っている訳でもないし、日本語で、考察する能力をサポートする方が、いいかなあ、と。Why didn't I teach her? I believed that scientist's theory that brain is confused if they got bilingual education unnatural way in early stage of the life.
英語を言葉としては、全く認識できてないが、歌はそのままコピーして、歌っている。英語教育的には、「若干、手遅れ」なのかもしれないが、「これぐらいが、ちょうどいい」かなあ、とも。She cannot understand English as language, but she copied the song as she hears. Maybe this is enough right now.
Nowadays Many Japanese parents think that they should give kids English lessons as early as possible. It is based on the idea that the ears are completed before 3, and kids should gain English before 3. On the other side,  scientist said that the brain is made up to learn one language in early stage of the life and unnatural bilingual education is bad for their development.  We were not sure if which theory is the right, but we decided to take scientist one, and gave up English education until her Japanese became in a shape.
I still do not know which is right. Parents need to chose by themselves from huge amount of information coming to them. Anyway, we are happy about her good Japanese ability and a little bit cute English songs.

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