帰省最終日に、東山動物園に行ってきた。空港に着いてすぐに、「動物園行こうね」と、おばあちゃんに言われてから、ずーっとナノカは楽しみにしていたので、外すわけにはいかなかったのだ。We went to the Higashiyama Zoo on the last day of my parent's home stay. Nanoka had been looking forward it.
秋の彩りも豊かな、東山動物園。Zoo was rich in color with autumn leaves. |
ガラス張りになっていて、ライオンを間近で見る事ができたり、She could watch the lion very close |
立派なトラも見たけれど、tiger was big and beautiful |
ナノカが長時間、見ていたのは、、、but what she was watching for a long time was,,, |
オットセイ(実際は、カルフォルニアアシカ)でした。日向ぼっこする親子。fur seal. |
このコーナーでは、この親子(子供が、ずり落ちて、プールに落ちるハプニングあり)以外に、ボスっぽいでかいのが、気持ちよさそうに昼寝する姿と、始終、プール内でバトルを繰り広げる若い2匹、という、ドラマが展開されていたので、確かに、見がいはあったのだけど、とにかく、黙りこくって、じーっと見ているナノカ。おもしろがってるのだろうか?In this area, mom and baby were sleeping on the island and baby fell into the pool while sleeping on mom's back. We could see two young ones were swimming competing and big one(boss?) sleeping peacefully in a big island. Very dramatic. Nanoka seriously quietly watched them with no reaction. Was it fun for her? |
次は、ペンギン。身動きせず、プールを眺め続けるナノカ。動物園を、一回りして、そろそろ、疲れているはず(お昼寝の時間だし)。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも休んでいるし、帰るように促すが、全く、動かず。Then penguin island. She freeze watching them. She must be tired after watching around the zoo. It was nap time and already grandparents had rest waiting for us to go back. |
おじいちゃんが、「まんじゅう、買ってやる」と言うが、無視される。そこで、先程、他の子が持ってるぬいぐるみをうらやましそうに見ていた事を思い出し、「ぬいぐるみ、お土産に、買ってあげる。見に行こう」と誘ったが、なんと、これも撃沈。Grandpa asked Nanoka for sweets, but she ignored the offer. I hit the idea that I would buy a stuffed animal at the zoo shop since she saw other girl holding one and looked envy it. However she said no to this offer. There was nothing happening in the penguin pool. They just stood hiding in the hall. What made Nanoka so stubborn? |
10分以上、あまり動きのないペンギンプールを見ていたが、最後に、ペンギンが列をなして、アピールしてくる、というかわいい場面に立ち会い、急に大笑いしたかと思うと、私の方を向いて、「お店に行く」と言った。満足したらしい、、、in 10 minutes, penguins walking towards to the audience. Nanoka laughed loudly and turned to me suddenly to say, "I will go to the shop!" Well, she remembered my offer... |
普段、ほとんどオモチャを買ってあげてない、わが家。突然、目の前にぬいぐるみが並んでいて、選べ、と言われて、戸惑うかな?よく知ってる、象とか、キリンとかを選ぶかな?と思っていると、We did not let her buy much toys. This was almost first time for her to choose the stuffed animal. I thought she would choose major well known ones such as giraffe, elephant, or lion, but,,, |
まず、ペンギンを掴み、次々に目移りした後、アナグマをつかみ、最後に、これ!と「カワウソ」を掴んだ。賞味1分程で、決断。いさぎよい。しかし、なぜ、カワウソ、、、first she graved the penguin and one after another, she picked animals such as wiesel, some minor ones, then ottar she chose at the end. She spent a minute to make a final decision. I did not know why she chose ottar,,, |
その後、大事そうにカワウソを抱えながら、「ナノカと、おじいちゃんと、おばあちゃんと,オットセイと、、、」と数えているのが聞こえて来た。これは、ナノカがよくやる事なのだが、家族とぬいぐるみを一緒くたにして、数えるのだ。オットセイ、、、そこで気づいたのだが、ナノカは、このカワウソちゃんを、オットセイだと思って、選んでいたのだ。After that, she was holding the ottar and talked by herself counting, "Nanoka, Grandpa, Grandma and fur seal, mom,,,," This is what she did a lot at home. Counting family member including her stuffed animals. Then I noticed,,,she thought this ottar doll as a fur seal. |
問題のカワウソちゃん。This is the ottar. |
動物園自体、人工的で、不自然な場所なのかもしれないが、映像や本だけでは感じられない「動物の生」を肌で感じる事で、「地球規模の問題」を 身近に感じる機会にもなるな、とも思った。
I tried not to buy the stuffed animals for Nanoka even she loves them. She made them all special and I wanted to treat them carefully but it would be difficult if there was many. Also it needs care to keep them clean. I felt that it was good idea to buy only when we visit the zoo since they are selling reasonable but good quality(in the term of the science).
I felt terrible to see so many red list wild animals in the zoo. They would be extinct near future if we did not change the world and many of our familiar animals such as hippotamus or tiger would disappear and kids in the next generation would know them only as the stories. It would be so sad. I do not know if the zoo is necessary to entertain the people since it was unnatural and artificial circumstances, but as the educational place to let people feel their life, and think problems closer, it has meanings.
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