
Mothers 親の視点

I experienced 9/11 in NY. I was not afraid so much at that time. I thought that I was just unlucky if something happened on my head. I might not have been so serious about myself. Now I am so nervous to everything after 3/11. I was watching TV news and saw the notes of found dead bodies saying "7-8 month pregnant woman" and I could not stop crying. She could not ran from tsunami and also imagined how sad she was that she could not protect her baby. 
I know that people there must be in much much severe condition and still suffering, so I feel guilty about worrying about my baby, but I cannot stop doing that. When I talked with friends, or even with husband, they are trying to see the optimistic points of view. Thinking of the society working, we should not make another collapse by over reaction. But at the same time, as a mother of baby, I cannot stop being serious and careful. I feel myself mean, but who can really protect my baby? It is only me and my husband who have to study well and found right information and judge the facts. That is my responsibility. In this point of view, I am not good citizen.
At the same time, I also thought this point of view is really important to make better society for the future. If I think about my baby's future, I really have to think about the society world wide. Over business, over politics and over economy, each should think, talk and act. I do not know what I can do yet, though.
MMJ winter issue

MMJ spring issue

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