
Boys to be ambicious! たたかう男たち?

Haruto is now devoted on the battle. He is always fighting with something for the world. I, who used to be the girl, cannot understand what he is fighting for. It is so funny that the boys still need so much help to just live and cannot even go to toilet by themselves, believe that they are fighting the evil monsters for protecting the world peace. It might be against to the feminism idea, but I feel like that boys in this stage are close to wild nature compared with the later stage when they have more influence by culture. These battle play looks like studying how to hunt. Their gene bring them for passion to the battle? At the same stage, girls play dolls and cooking tools doing realistic family play. They still need to be taken care of, but still they try to take care of baby dolls. Isn't it funny? Those plays must be base of something for their life in the future. Interesting.

Haruto always play the battle and asked me "what do you think I am?" or "which is stronger, black king or red king?" things. I totally have no idea and never remember the name of heroes or monsters. ハルトは常に、たたかっていて、私の所に来ては、「ハルトは、今なにウルトラマンだと思う?」とか、「レッドキングとブラックキング、どっちの怪獣が強いか?」のような質問をしてくる。私はこの手のヒーローものにまったく疎くて、なかなか名前を覚えられない。

So what I answered irritated him a lot. "No! It is not! You do not know anything!" Oh, well, I really do not have any interest and I really cannot remember. His questions made me nervous. 間違ったことを言うと、「ちがう~!かえちゃん、なんにもわかってない」と怒られるので、びくびくしながら、いつも答えるんだけど、たいがい、とんちんかんなので、怒られてばっかりだ。

My husband said to me, "You know what. Boys are very simple and easy. Just say what you hit with confident. He would believe you." Really? 相方と話していたら、「男の子なんて、単純だから、言い切ったほうの勝ちだよ」と言われた。本当かなあ、、、

Then one night, he asked me, "I beat black king" proudly. I asked him back, "OK. But did you beat white king?" White king is not existing. If he noticed it, he would be mad,again. その晩、ハルトが「ブラックキングをやっつけたよ」と誇らしげに報告に来たので、「へえーすごいね。でも、ホワイトキングがまだじゃない?」と言ってみた。ホワイトキングなんて存在しないし、勝手に思いつきで言ってみたんだけど、

For a just moment, he was quiet to think,,,すこーし考えてたかと思うと、、、

And very excited to fight with white king and run to another room. OK. I got it! 「そうだ!ホワイトキングがまだだった!たたかわなきゃ!」と言って、ご機嫌で走り去っていった。なーるーほーど。コツをつかんだぞ。

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