
mother in law お義母さん

On 3/11, I did not know the detail of the earthquake in Tohoku because of black out. I got electricity back in midnight and watched TV news and found it very serious. Then I saw the area where parents in law lived was hit by tsunami. I already heard that they were fine from husband, but it could be before tsunami,,,I started to worry. I could not talk with husband since he was stuck way back home by earthquake. 震災の日、私は事態の深刻さにまったく気づかなかった。停電のせいで、情報が入って来なかったからだ。夜中に電気がついてみると、東北が被災してる事がわかり、そのうち、相方の実家の聞いた事のある地名が、まさに津波で壊滅状態地域として出ていた。夕方に一度、相方に家族の無事は確認していたものの、「もしかして、津波前だったのでは?」と不安になった。
My husband came back next day evening(stuck on the same place for one night). He said, "Well, she was very irritated to tell me how messy the house was. She said ceramics were broken." Actually we noticed that tsunami came to 1km to their house.相方も大阪からの帰宅途中、静岡で交通止めに合い、24時間かけて次の日の夕方に家に帰ってきた。「ねえねえ、お義母さん達、本当に大丈夫なの?」と聞くと、「うん。部屋がぐちゃぐちゃだって言って、イライラしてたよ。瀬戸物が壊れちゃったんだって。」と言われて、なんか気が抜けた。実際には、家から1キロの所まで、津波は押し寄せてたので、本当は危なかったみたいだけど、、、

10 days later, we saw the news that shipping service started. It would still take almost a week, but it would reach to the nearest branch and parents in law could pick up the package. Since we heard that it was so hard to get anything, we decided to send the package to them and he asked mother in law what she wanted. 10日後、ヤマト東北便再開のニュースを見て、早速荷物を送ろうと思って、「何が欲しい?」と電話すると、お義母さんはしばらく考えて言ったのが、、、

We expected to hear, "bread"  "caned food" and so on, but what she answered first after thinking was, "hair dye" and she made sure her favorite bland and color. She was happy strong person who did not feel too serious. I was so relieved. And we were lucky because we do not have to worry about them too much. 「毛染め」だった。ブローネのヘアマニキュアのブラウンをご指定。きっと、いろいろ物資がないのでは、と心配してたんだけど、気が抜けた。元気でホッとした。このおかげで、心配し過ぎないで済むのかなあ、と思うので、お義母さんの元気な性格に感謝。

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