On 3/11, I did not know the detail of the earthquake in Tohoku because of black out. I got electricity back in midnight and watched TV news and found it very serious. Then I saw the area where parents in law lived was hit by tsunami. I already heard that they were fine from husband, but it could be before tsunami,,,I started to worry. I could not talk with husband since he was stuck way back home by earthquake. 震災の日、私は事態の深刻さにまったく気づかなかった。停電のせいで、情報が入って来なかったからだ。夜中に電気がついてみると、東北が被災してる事がわかり、そのうち、相方の実家の聞いた事のある地名が、まさに津波で壊滅状態地域として出ていた。夕方に一度、相方に家族の無事は確認していたものの、「もしかして、津波前だったのでは?」と不安になった。 |
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