
survival ability サバイバル能力について

My friend's husband cannot swim fast but he can swim long. He said, "I have survival ability!" My friend gave him cold respond, "Yeah? so please rescue me when the tragedy occurs, but it is useless in daily life."

I laughed. I said to her, "You can say that because you trust him to rescue you and your baby surely when the natural calamity happens. It is family!"

I read the article about successful business men. There were many men who had wife and children, but he lost attention to their family any more and enjoyed the life with young beautiful affairs. The writer asked them the question "You, your wife, your child and your affair are all in the sinking ship. There is only space for two people in a boat. What are you going to do?" And surprisingly all the men answered "wife and child" even their relationship are already cold. They must have some kinds of trust as guardians of his DNA on their wives.

On the other hand, even it is hot, there is the relationship that is not filled in,

and the women feel "This man might leave me (and my baby) and run by himself,,," in some parts of their mind. There could be women who are strong enough to keep a boat to ready to survive, too.

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