
one to two 1歳→2歳

A while after she became one, she got to be able to point her finger to show "one" when being asked how old. But I was thinking that it would be so difficult for her to make two shape when she become two.1歳になって少し経つと、「いくつ?」の質問に、「1」の指をして答える事ができるようになった。しかし、2歳になったら、2の指。難しくて、チビにはできないよ〜、と考えていた。
A while ago, she started to sing one Janken song. At the end, she has to make, rock, paper and scissors. Scissors is same as two shape and she found it difficult to make it by herself and came to me for help. I again and again bent her other fingers and supported by thumb. 数ヶ月前より、「お寺のおしょうさん」の歌を歌うようになり、最後のジャンケンにも、参加しようとするようになった。すると、チョキができない。パーやグーにすればいいものを、チョキに絶大な興味があるらしく、毎回、「できない〜っ、ママ、やって!」と呼ばれる。指を折って、チョキの形にしてあげていると、、、

Then now she can make scissors by herself. Actually she did not understand how to play the game and enjoying coping others doing and said, "Scissors, same as you!"ここ数週間で、とうとう、自分でチョキができるようになった。しかし、ジャンケンの概念はわかっておらず、相手と必ず同じ物を出し(強要し)、「おんなじね〜」という遊びをしている。
Then she started to answer "two" when being asked how old. Actually, Nano, you are still one year old.指ができるようになったら、早速、「いくつ?」と聞かれたら、「2」の指をするようになった。いやいや、ちょっと待って、まだ1歳でしょ?
I was very touched when Nanoka became answering "one" when being asked her age. But she seemed not to understand the age, but just coping what others praised when she did it. I thought that it would be so difficult for little kids to make the peace shape of hand. So I wondered how she would answer after she became two. Actually I noticed that kids gain the abilities when they needed at that age.

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