We had spring holidays this week called Golden Week. My husband and I invited friend couple and their baby to my parents house to stay over. I made Lasagna and Tiramisu and some other dishes for dinner party. Actually this menu came from promise with husband "I will make them when some guests come." Originally I made these menu on special occasions for him, but he liked it and he now and then asked me to make. Then I had to promise "another time some time." The men cannot imagine how much time and energy and cost take it for which dishes. I do not know if it was good things to make special dishes for special day. ゴールデンウィーク中に友人夫婦とその赤ちゃんが、泊まりに来てくれた。夕食にラザニアといくつかのおつまみとデザートにティラミスを作った。特に得意料 理だったわけではないのだけど、相方と「今度、誰かが来た時に、また作ってあげるから」と約束していたから、このメニューになったのだ。喜んでもらえたから、いいんだけど。それにしても、「特別な日だから」と思って作ってあげたメニューを、普段、簡単に注文するのは、やめてほしいものだ。男の人って、料理の 手間とか、材料費とか、できちゃう量とか、ぜんぜん想像つかないんだろうか。やれやれ。 |
2 件のコメント:
oh, god... men are all the same wherever they are ;;¬¬
lots of work to take care of them!