
キクミミズキン Need to hear the voices

紙に動物や人形を描いては、切り取るを繰り返すナノカ。山盛りになった切り抜きを使って、誕生日カードを作った。Birthday card to Haruto.
虫好きの甥っ子の誕生日に、トートバックを製作。I made special one for my nephew who loves insects.
いろんな虫です。the other side.
これを、完成させた後、お風呂に入ろうとすると、、、After finishing the bag, I tried to take shower with Nanoka, but
ビデオが見たいという。遅くなるから、今日はダメだというと、大泣き。「お風呂の後に、時間があったら」という妥協案にも、乗らずにグズグズ、泣き続ける。She wanted to watch TV. I said no since it was too late. She burst crying.
ようやく、渋々ながら納得させて、着替え始めると、「ナノカが先に脱ぎたかった」と、また号泣。「待ってるから」と言っても、泣き続ける。After 5 minutes crying, she agreed to take shower and watch TV after words. But she again started to cry since I took off the clothes before she did.
ただ、泣き続けて、頑固そうに、口をつむぐだけ。この頑固さ、旦那に似てるし、よく泣くのは、私に似ている。ビデオや着替えで、こじれてるのだとしたら、ワガママにすぎないのだが、、、I asked her why she kept crying even I waited for her taking off the clothes. She kept crying with no words, no answer. Stubborn like husband and crybaby like me. Only TV or Clothes were reasons to cry ?
じっくり、話してみると、「お話ししたかった」と言う。たしかに、作業中に邪険に扱ったかも、、、Finally she opened her mouth and said, "I want to hear" meaning that I did not answer her questions when I was working on the bag.
「あれは、ママが悪かったね。ごめんね。あとで、ちゃんとお話しする」と約束し、「泣かないで、お風呂に入れる?」と聞くと、「まだ、泣いちゃうかも」と言う。「なんで?」と聞くと、「ナノカの作品も、見て欲しかった」と言う。もう一回、謝りました、、、"That might be bad attitude of Mommy. I am sorry." I apologized and asked, "Can you stop crying now?" but her answer was "I am not sure." "Why?" I asked and she explained that I should look at her drawing more. I had to apologize it, too.
絵を描き始めると、今度は、 「どれが、好き?」「どう、思う?」と、また質問攻め。


There must be other reasons when she was very mean and bad.
I should not have done such a things that I had to apologize later,
but it was not easy.
Then at least I want to have ears to hear what she really felt.

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