せっかく、先週中に、「ヨモギ」の新芽をつんで、塩茹でしてあったが、昨日、ようやく、草団子を作ることができた。Last week, husband was out for business trip for a week. I caught a cold after a busy week and school picnic day.
いい におい smell of spring grass |
餅粉と水を混ぜて、蒸し器で蒸す pour water to sticky rice powder and steam it. |
ゆでて、きざんだヨモギを、すり鉢で、すり潰す。crash the boiled Artemisia princeps |
蒸しあがった餅粉をねって、ヨモギを投入。put it into the steamed rice powder |
柔らかすぎて、包めず、、、荒っぽい見た目だが、香りは楽しめた。Green mochi with red bean paste. |
実際、ヨモギの新芽部分は、伸びていこうとするエネルギーを蓄えていて、 「アンチエイジング」効果もあるそう。身近な草に、そんな効果が!
It has more than 1000years tradition to picking spring grass and eat them. It has good effect on the health by having energy of ground, rare various mineral into body, and help excrete the waste of winter by making use of the harshness.
This is more than analogue, it is very wild way of living. By that, my body become a bit energetic feeling wild.
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