In the middle of the night, I felt something bad about my stomach 週末に遊んだ友人のこどもが胃腸炎にかかったと聞いていたので、夜中に吐き気がした時、 |
I went to toilet and threw up. I noticed that I caught the virus stomach cold and asked my dad to take care of Nano not to hand the virus to her.トイレに行って、吐いたら、すぐにナノカをじじに預けて、隔離した。うつしたら、大変。 |
In an hour, I heard Nano's crying. I peeped the room and found Nano threw up onto my dad. OK, she already caught. Now we had to keep dad away not to catch the virus.しかし、1時間もすると、ナノカの泣き声。のぞきにいくと、じじに吐きながら、泣いていた。感染していたか、、、今度は、じじにうつすといけないので、再び、私の部屋に。 |
For a day, we both felt sick and Nano was quiet sitting onto my knee and grabbed my sweater. Thanks to staying at my parents' home, my dad took care of our laundry and dirty staff. 一日、ナノカは異常におとなしく、べったりくっついてた。不安なようで、かわいそう。それにしても、初発病が実家でよかった。じじが、汚れ物の洗濯や、病院に連れてってくれたので、寝込んでいられた。これ、ナノカと二人だったら、、、と思うと、こわい。 |
From January 10th, Nano will start the nursery school. I heard that kids would catch so much virus including Noro from school and first year is almost virus festival at home. It makes kids strong and we have to go through, but it is hard to watch the small kids suffer from the stomach ache or fever. This weekend, Nano played with my best friend's boy, Koshiro, and it was so much fun, but they both catch virus stomachache. Still I am glad they had good memories. So this is start!
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