
Copy machine tells me,,, まねっこ鏡

Nano was wiping all the drops she made at the table when she ate. I thought that I would clean up everything after we finished and we did not have to mind during the meals, but she did it anyway. ナノは食事中、少しでもこぼすと、ガーゼでせっせと拭く。「最後に片付ければいい」という私とは違い、神経質だなあ、、と思っていたのだが
Looking at husband, he cleaned up her and table very often and I recognised she was copying him. Kids learn from looking rather than being taught, so they are miller of parents. 相方が、こまめに、水滴やら、食べこぼしを拭いてるのを見た。なるほど、このマネかあ。こどもは、見て覚えるのだ。
I am the person who count the materials to make sure saying,"well,,,this and this and this,,,"aloud,私は忘れ物が多く、出かける前に、「えっと〜、これと〜、これと〜」と、確認してるらしい。
and I noticed it my habit by discovering that Nano was lining toys saying, "well,,,this and this and this"aloud. I did it unconsciously until Nano copied me. I felt uneasy seeing Nanoka copy sometimes.オモチャを並べながら、「えっとー、これとー、これとー」と言ってるのを見て、気付いた。
I had been thinking that I had to teach her everything hands by hands like "how to wear pants" "How to wash your hands" but actually Nanoka learn most of action by herself. How? She was copying me or husband by observing. It meant that she was doing everything as we do and copied us including our own way, habit. I noticed my unconscious habit by her action.



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