
S Nano-chan Sなナノちゃん

Nano dropped the toy. So I picked it up and handed it to her. ナノが持たせたおもちゃを落としたので、拾って、渡した。

But again and again she dropped. I picked it up several times and wondered if it was too heavy for her small hand. Husband was watching it and said, でも、何度拾っても、落としてしまう。重くて持てないのかな?といぶかしながら、渡していると、相方が、

"Nano is making fun of you, Kae-chan." I looked at her face and she giggled. I did not noticed it at all and kept picking up like fool. 「かえちゃん、ナノカ、わざとやってるよ」と指摘した。見ると、ナノカがにやっと悪い顔をした。全く気づかないで、せっせと拾っていた私って、、、

When we visited the publisher, I was talking with S-san and found Nano was doing same "dropping game" and she was called "Princess" by editors. Nano,,,ちなみに出版社でも、話し込んでいて、ふと横を見ると、ナノカが、同じようにおもちゃを落としては、みんなに拾ってもらい、「おひめさま、どうぞ」とまで、言われて、にやっと笑っていた。ナノちゃん、、、

When the newborn babies were in front of us, we did not know what kind of character they have. We gradually noticed the small differences how often they cried, the way they react to the sound and so on. Actually every babies is so different from the birth. Now Nano is not only reacting to the stimulus but acting from her. She has favorite and will. Then we were guessing her original character. She seems to be "S" type,,,

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