
buttons ボタン

Buttons are Nano's favorite, too. So my mother made "Buttons clothing" for her as a handmade toy. She loved it.ボタンもナノの好きなものの一つだ。そこで、ボタン布、なるオモチャを作ってあげた。
One day we were sitting at the seat in the train. ある日、電車に乗っていると、
I asked Nano to be a good girl and quiet and for a while she was, but suddenly she stretched her arms to the lady next to us. ナノが突然、隣に座ってた女性に手を伸ばした。
What she wanted was shiny gold buttons on her coat. Again and again, she tried to reach them. Yes they were beautiful, but there were not available...とめても、何度も何度もくり返す。どうやら、コートについた金色のきれいなボタンが触りたかったようだ。
I could not stop her and at last I gave up the seat. Is the "buttons clothing" develop her button love?結局、どうしようもなくなって、席を立つはめに。うーん、ボタン布で、ナノのボタン好きを助長しちゃったか?

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