
Rent レント

「レント」をDVDで見た。ニューヨークで、ミュージカルを見る機会がなく、今さら見てるのだけど、音楽がいいなあ、と、くり返し見てるうちに、「よく出来てるなあ」と気付くところがいっぱいあった。クリスマスに始まって、クリスマスで終わっている。それが"five hundreds twenty-five thousands six hundred minutes=1年、をどうやって測ろう?につながってるんだな、とか、その1年の間に、さまざまな愛の物語(別れとか、死とか、仲間とか、、、)を起こして、「愛で年月を測る」て事なんだなあ、と。基本中の基本なんだろうけど、ただ、予備知識もなくボーっと見てたから、自分で気付いた時にはちょっと感動した。
I watched "Rent" on DVD. I had no chance to see it on musical play in NY. I kept watching it since I liked music, then gradually noticed how well done it was. It starts on Christmas and ends Christmas. So many dramas relating to love happened in the play. So they said "to measure" " a year-five hundred twenty-five thousands six hundred minutes" "in Love"

In the play, there is the scene that homeless said, "this town is full of artist." I was there as a part. I was poor, dirty and always suffer from paying the rent. Rent in NY is super-expensive. First I had roommate and paid 500$ then I need my own apt for my picture book job then paid 1150$. I was just paying rent and no money left. But still I thought it was my castle. But it was not stable. Once I was sick, I lost energy to being ambicious to earn money and finally gave up apt. The landlord asked me 1300$ anyway for next contract. I did not have to be homeless since I had place to go back. But if I did not, how could I survive there? There is just tiny boundary between artist and homeless, I thought at that time.

After leaving NY, I am living in clean polite Japan. But still I have "bad" custom at that time.
1.sit down everywhere
2.dripping food
3.wear worn-out clothings, shoes and soxes
I became middle 30's and I should care. But I rememberd everybody around me did not care small things. We all were so proud of themselves for no particular reasons. I did not see RENT there, but still reminds me the time.

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