
Kae's English Diary  Kaeの英語観察日誌

This is the illustration essay job for Argument-the magazine for high school English teachers. It is published twice a year. I did a page for each issues. Now more than 15 pages I have done. The time has passed since I started.

It is the latest issue.
"I got 35 years old. In Japan, they call "around 40" and people treated as a middle age women. But in a questionnaire in NY, they said that 35 year-old girl is the most poplar for the men. The women got enough career after graduation and went through much life experience then they becane more attractive as a matured woman. My teacher said to me, "you matured nicely" and that was the best appreciation I felt. That kind of praises push girls to maintain themselves well and they became beautiful forty-something, fifty-something.

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