
The day before the lecture, and after,,,講演会前日/後日

日曜日、次の日に講演会を控え、私はまだ、原稿を書き上げておらず、相方にナノカを頼み、必死で仕上げる事にした。On Sunday, I needed to write the speech for Monday lecture. I asked husband to take care of Nano.
They went to the library and bought sweets. The outing was fun for Nanoka,,,,図書館に連れて行ってもらい、おまんじゅうも買ってもらい、パパとのお出かけは、楽しかったようだが、、、
but after coming back home, she brought all her toys to my room and queued on the floor. She did not say "play with me" or bother me, so I let her doing that, 帰宅すると、私の仕事部屋に、せっせとオモチャを運び入れ、並べ始めた。特に、「遊べ」とも言わず、邪魔する訳ではない。
Then she brought the music toy. She played the game song that ended making funny face.さらに、歌のなるオモチャを持って来て、「だるまさん」を歌い始めたので、
I made funny face for her. She laughed and said again to push the button. She repeated three times and tried again. I said, "Nano, please play with daddy."あっぷっぷ、でおもしろ顔をしてあげると、大わらい(ナノカは、にらめっこが弱い)。もう一回、もう一回、と続くので、3回終わった所で、「ナノ、パパとやっておいで」と言うと、、、
Her face expression get dark. She almost cried. I said, "Sorry, you tired to be patient for whole day" then she burst crying in my arms. みるみる顔が曇って、への字口に。「ごめん、一日、ガマンしてたんだね」と言うと、泣いて、しがみついて来た。
さて、ガマンして協力してもらったにもかかわらず、私は、なんと、この原稿を、当日、忘れていってしまった。 万事休すか。
I usually did not work when she was at home, but sometimes I have to work during weekend. I asked husband to watch her. She understands well about my job and tried to respect it. Well she was still around me.
Thanks to her corporation, I could write the speech, but omg, I forgot to bring the text to the lecture on Monday. I was so foolish.
Anyway, I could make the lecture OK without the text. It was the gathering of book reading groups around the area and they were all book lovers.

2 件のコメント:

Tonykaku さんのコメント...

ohisashiburi! i have missed your blog but today i caught up. so many stories, so many drawings!
arigatou for sharing.

Tonykaku さんのコメント...

ps. my newest blog is open again, please look
when you have time and say hello to "tony", (my nuigurumi no risu). many people think he should have his own blog : )
here is the address in case you cannot find it http://tabi1000ish.blogspot.com/
it is called ありふれたDays