
Upper Class コスモスさん

コスモスでは、自分の身の 回りの事を、自分でできるよう、訓練していく。着替えの入ったかごを、自分で管理し、トイレに自主的に行き、給食の配膳もする(違う4つのお皿を、自分の 席に運ぶ)。2歳になりたてのナノカには、かなりハードルの高い事ばかりだ。しかし、見栄っ張りのナノカは、保育園では、ねを上げない。なんでも、お姉ちゃ ん達がしているように、しようとがんばる。先生曰く、「なかなか気が強くて、手強い」らしいが、「できない」所を見せたくなくて、気を張っていると思われる。という事で、家にクタンクタンになって、帰ってくる。夜泣きするし、朝は起きれないし、移動は全部抱っこだし、おっぱいは始終触るし、床に寝転んで、 だだをこねるし、、、慣れるまで、しばらく、これに、おつき合いだ。
Nanoka moved to the upper class today. In that class, she will be supposed to manage her belongings(clothing, shoes, bags and so on), go to toilet by herself, and carry her lunch to her table. It is not easy for Nanoka, who has just became 2. She never showed being down at the school. Teacher said that she was strong minded and not easy to deal with, but I guess she is in a tense to follow the class rule as elders do. Then she was exhausted at home. She cried at night, asked me to hold in arms all the way home, and kept touching my breast. It would last for a while and I had to watch out her getting used it.
Nanoka called me from the bath saying,"Mommy, I finished. Bring my towel" I brought big bath towel. She denied it, "It's not that"「ママー、出る〜。タオル、ちょーだいー」とお風呂から、ナノカの声。バスタオルを持っていくと、「ちがう」と拒否。
I see. She wanted to use her wash towel as daddy always did. I tried to squeeze it and she was mad saying"No!" Then I picked the dry hand towel of her. She was irritated to say, "That is not one"ああ、そうか、お風呂で使ってたタオルを絞って、体を拭きたいんだな(パパスタイル)と思い、洗面器の中のミニタオルを手にすると、「ちがう」と怒っている。「あ、わかった、乾いたタオルね」と洗面台のミニタオルを渡そうとすると、「それじゃないのよお」と言う。
Then she walked wet through the rooms to the chest and searching for the towel and finally said, "This is it! I used this at the school yesterday." picking floral pattern face towel.そして、「ナノカちゃんのタオルで、拭くのよお」と言いながら、廊下を歩き(ビショビショ)、寝室の畳をぬけ(ビショビショ)押し入れを開けて、タオルの引き出しを開けて、物色。「これだ。きのう、保育園で使ったヤツにしよう」と、フェイスタオルを1つ出した。
She got what she wanted and gladly dried herself. Well...I can mop it her drops. 思い描いたタオルが手に入ったので、うれしそうに、一生懸命、拭いてた。まあ、床は拭けば、いいもんね。
Nanoka's school has policy that kids need help to be independent. So sometimes they are asking kids little pressure to be independent. Other kids staying at home are still under atmosphere where mom is always helping them. It can be stressful for this little kids, I wonder sometimes.
But I myself had same idea about raising Nanoka. If she got ability to do by herself earlier she would gain more freedom to do what she likes earlier.So I allow her to do what she wanted to including washing dishes, laundry even it made big mess on the floor and took three times energy and time. But some people might think that I spoiled her to be mean.
There are thousands of educational methods and each family has thousands of background. And there was no "right way" actually. It is hard because being mom is spending enormous energy and time and we wanted to see the result from that. Then wishing somebody said, "you are good mom!" Actually it is husband's job, I think(since there is no right answer to be good mom). It is nonsense to compare and judge the way of raising kids.
Sometimes, I even feel there is the same result after a long trial of every kinds of educational methods. If kids received enough love from parents, they ended up to be "not so different" people. Well, if I started to think like that, it is meaningless to mop after her washing dishes every night, so I just try to believe "this is good for us!"

2 件のコメント:

Tonykaku さんのコメント...

i think...i hope...Nanoka-chan will be allowed to be 2 years old while she is 2 years old. she has many many years to become older. and i think (from reading thru your blog and looking at your wonderful drawings) that you are a good Mother and you only want what is best for the happiness and well-being of Nanoka-chan...to omoimasu : )
i look forward to reading Dodo Days. if you do not mind, i will add my "comments" from time to time.
if you have any questions about me or Tony (Tony Kaku is my nuigurumi risu-chan). please send me an email at kevntony2@mac.com それではおだいじにkevinより

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

I think, and I hope that Nanoka is a happy 2 years old girl, too.
It is just mom's emotion that we want to protect them as much as possible like we do when they were babies, but she is now a little girl who wants to challenge many things. Yes, it will be still long time until her leaving me even she is not a baby anymore.And this is mom's privilege to experience one's development through.
Thank you for your comment and I am looking forward to it!