
Public Bath お風呂屋さんデビュー

Right after moving, our hot water system was broke. Husband called landlord, but it would take for a while till they fixed it. 引っ越してすぐ、給湯器が壊れた。大家さんに電話して、交換してもらう事になったが、しばらく時間がかかることになった。

Husband went to business trip. He advised me to go to public bath. To look up in the internet(actually I even did not have internet access at my apt!) only one public bath exists in Sasebo city center. I went down stairs with Nano, pc and all the bath items(shampoo, soup, towel and Nano's change) ...相方は次の日から出張で横浜に。「銭湯に行けばいいじゃん」と一言を残し、去って行った。当時、インターネットもつながってなかったため、私は、ナノとパソコンとお風呂道具一式を持って、あの階段を下った。

Tokunoyu, the Sento, was on the second floor of the old building. Old man showed me the way and it was so dark and narrow that I was scared of what would happen.佐世保市内には、お風呂屋さんは一件しかない。「徳の湯」(間違えて覚えてたため、絵は違う名前になってしまった)さんは、商店街の裏の古いビルの2階にあり、薄暗い、狭い階段を見て、かなりひるんだ。

To go up, it was a ordinary old Sento. There were two entrance, men and women, but inside, same old man would take the charge. One adult is 350 yen and baby is 70 yen. I paid 420 yen for taking bath. 2階に上がってみると、そこには「男湯」「女湯」の入り口が。入ってみると、(これも旧式だが)番台はつながっていて、そこでおじさんに大人350円、幼児70円を支払った。すべての設備が相当古いので、清潔感あふれるとは言いがたいが、こじんまりとして、いかにも「お風呂屋さん」の世界が広がっていた。

Inside, several old ladies were changing. They noticed Nano and talked to her a lot. It was so rare that young( I mean not old women) people come to the public bath. Baby is much less. So Nano became so poplar among old (naked) ladies. She was happy. Old lady talked to Nano, "please come to Sento again!" 来ているのは、お年寄りばかりで、ナノを見ると、「赤ちゃんだ。珍しい。かわいい。」と大人気に。「オムツがかわいい」「おしりがかわいい」とべた褒めで、ナノも人気者になって、上機嫌だった。「また、来てね」とおばあちゃんに言われた。
Sento is public bath in Japanese. For a long term in the history of city of Japan, people went to the public buth to clean up themselves. Nowadays every apartment and houses has own bathroom and the number of the public bath is radically decreasing. I felt it pity since it was very good experience to think about every day life. First, it is ecological to share the bath than each taking bath. Moreover, it is community of people-everybody is naked. Also it is good education to learn the manner to use the public space. Every old ladies carries compact bath items and tide to use the bath. Recently there is problem that elementary school kids cannot go to toilet in the school. Kids did not go to toilet outside of the house-it is cozy and clean always. Maybe we should take kids to outside to experience public space more often-such as public bath.

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