Kids love adult's treasure. That is wallet and cellphone. So did Haruto. But when we let him hold the cellphone,,,
he froze. He knew who was talking on the phone and he understand what they said, but he just did not know what to say.
But on the other day, Haruto called up his grandpa(my dad) and talked like a friend. "I want to visit your place and play with you. grandpa." "I want to eat delicious dish you made." My dad was so amazed.
Recently he observed surroundings and looked very thoughtful.
He remembered my dad was by himself when he called,,,
and he told my mom, "Grandma, you should stay at home with grandpa. He is lonely by himself!" Nobody told him this opinion. It was his own idea judging from "I am lonely when I am alone. Grandpa must be lonely!" A baby is now human being after three years. How much did I grow for this three years? Kids are amazing!
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