
夜神楽 All night long myth play

高千穂神社の神楽殿にて、奉納神楽。彫り物(白い切り紙細工)で聖域を区切った中で、神楽が奉納される。In the shrine, they made the stage separated by paper decorations and ropes. The women was not allowed to enter the stage.
鬼。この役柄は、大阪に就職した青年が、毎年神楽のために戻ってきて、奉納舞をしているそう。All the performers are citizen of this village. He was grown up there and now worked at Osaka, but he return to dance only for this play every year.
少な彦。大国主命のサポートをした神様。薬草や医学の神様でもあり、この場面は、薬草を探している。仕草がかわいい。He was the god called "Small" but the player was big. He was god of the medicine, and he was now searching for the herb.
薬草を見つけて、大喜び。こんな大技もある。Happy to find the herb and showed this performance.
天照大神を探す手力。この時、お面は肌色。This is strongest god. At first his mask was white.
アマノウズメの舞。盛り上がる神様の様子が気になり、天照は少し、扉を開ける。This is the first dancer goddess. She danced in a funny way and Great Goddess who hid inside the cave open the door just a little bit.
そこで、手力が力一杯戸を開ける。そのため、面は真っ赤になる。Strongest god tried to open that door. The mask was red now.

こちらは、11月22日、ということで、最後に御神体、という夫婦和合の舞を奉納。The last play was about a god and goddess who are a couple.
お互いに、ちょっと浮気心にヤキモチを焼きながら、最後には、なかよくなる、というお話。They got jealous each other but end up being together.



Japanese Shinto was made use of folse education during the WWⅡ.
So I was a little bit careful about studying the Japanese myth.
However, the history was much much longer than our bad time, and
all the life style, thoughts, and custom are based on those culture.
Especially after Nanoka's birth, I got more chance to relate to the traditional custom and had more interest in the backgrounds.

Kagura, the myth play for the gods, origins to entertain the gods with dance, music and play.
All the entertainments are from that and I got chance to re-think the meaning of the arts. It is not only just entertaining the people at the moment.
It is related to the god(probably respect to the nature, and our patience to the destiny or so) and people's spiritual calmness and energy.
What I felt for the Kagura is that it was the villager's joy and responsibility.
Like that, Arts must be something more than just One's expression, and I want to know what we can do now.

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