
Cold 風邪ひき

グリーンピースを出す係をやってもらったpull out peas from pods
山のようなおマメさん。かわいいね。lots of them
自分で、絵の具も選び、出せるようになった。She started to paint
筆も、色も、使い分けている。using lots of color, brushes
何を描いている、ていう訳でもなさそうだけど、not sure what she is drawing
夢中。but just devoted.
作品A。水の量が、適量になった。水彩らしい、透明感が出てきたbetter use of water
作品B。こっちは、後付けで、「太陽」て言ってました。this is the sun.
風邪のはずなのに、なぜか、いつもより元気。ピョンピョンはねるし、いろいろ引っ張り出して、遊んでいる。最後は、水彩道具を引っ張り出し、自分でテーブルにセットして、「水入れて」と言いに来た。 なんて、精力的、、、
She got fever and absent from the school. I need to prepare for the speech on coming Saturday, but I thought she needed the rest. However, actually she was more energetic than usual. She jumped and played all over the room. Finally she pulled the watercolor tools and started to paint. Finished two.
It was hard to let cold kids rest. But anyway, on the next day, the fever has gone and she felt better. I let her go to the school and I finished to prepare. Kids recovery is amazing.
We will go to Fukue island with family for one night two days. I wish we have a fine weather and good trip.

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