5/2。陶器市には、危険な怪獣二人。結局、裏道、歩く事に。After ceramic shopping, we walked behind the main road. More relaxed. |
ちゃんと、お参りしないとね。ペコリ。They were polite enough to bow the Buddha. |
兄妹に、何度も間違えられました。People thought they were good brother and sister. |
5/3。魚市場で魚調達後、お参り。今回は、ミニ鳥居参りに、ナノカも参戦。We went to shrine. Nanoka walked through the gate this time. |
竜王さま参り。シャオロン、いるかなあ Dragon shrine. |
お参りより、海で遊びたいよーThey were so eager to play in the sea, |
遊ぶ?Shall we? |
ということで、午後からは、海。ヤドカリ、つかまえて、大興奮。So in the afternoon, they went to the beach. |
5/5 イチゴ狩り。Strawberry picking. |
かわいくって、おいしくって、たのしーFun for the kids. |
浜辺でお昼、砂遊び。Lunch at the beach again. |
My good friend, Ai, visited us with his son, Koushiro on holiday-5 nights and 6days. It was beautiful season of the year and we had such a lovely relaxed days. I just noticed the beauty of our circumstances by spending together. I really appreciate we can raise Nanoka in such a place.
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