
Pat Cummings appeared at Sasebo! パットさんと会う

Nanoka and I took the train to Huis Tet Bosch station where Pat stayed at the hotel. I taught Nanoka, "hello" and "Nice to meet you!" and she looked OK with excitement to the train.「ハロー」と「ナイストゥーミーチュー」を2日前から練習させて、言えるようになった。電車に乗って、パットさんが泊まっている、ハウステンボスのホテルに向かう。電車とお出かけで、ご機嫌だったのだが、、、
At the hotel robby, I found Pat and we hug. Nanoka was scared of foreigner when she found them in the city. And said "No" to Pat, too. I was sad...ホテルのロビーで、パットさんを見つけて、私が駆け寄っていくと、ナノカは固まり、「イヤ〜」と涙、、、ナノカ、「外国人」が苦手なのだ。マンション内にも、10組ほど米軍関係者がいて、顔を合わせるのだが、いつも隠れてしまう。
I kept talking with Pat and Nanoka noticed that she could not escape. Soon she fell asleep in my arms even after she got enough nap before going out.しかし、今日はいつもと違う。嫌がるナノカを無視して、話し続ける私に、「どうやら、この状況は逃れられない」と気づいたナノカは、抱っこのまま、寝てしまった。さっき、たっぷり昼寝してきたのに!
It reminded me the babyhood of her. She fell asleep whenever she disliked the situation around her. I had not seen her sleeping for this reason for a long time,,,そういえば、赤ちゃんの頃、ナノカは自分が苦手な状況になると、寝てしまっていた(相方は、「タヌキ」と読んでいた)久しぶりに、ナノカのタヌキ、見たわ。
Nanoka was not in good mood during her class but gradually got used to the people and at the end she danced with elder girls there. Then we drove to Pizza house and she got so happy about pizza! She even shook her hand with them. 慣れるのには、だいぶ時間がかかったが、そのうち笑顔も見られるようになり、食事にピザ屋に行くと、ご機嫌はすっかり直った。最後は、手をうれしそうに、握手してもらっていた。ピザ女め、、、
Fun time had just passed so fast. We said good by at the parking a lot. When Nanoka saw they were leaving, she said, "No" and showed sad face. You seemed not to be nice to them for most of time, though? I guess that she felt "long time good bye atmosphere" and sympathy to my sadness. Thanks for today, darling. You were a good girl.楽しい一時は、すぐに過ぎる。食事が終わり、駐車場で「Bye」とハグして、別れると、ナノカが「イヤ〜」と泣きそうになった。え、あんなに拒否してたくせに、お別れはイヤなの?きっと私の「長いお別れの寂しい気持ち」が伝わったんだろうね。1日、付き合ってくれて、ありがとう。
Oh, God. We were together with Nanoka at Sasebo! Can you believe it?パットさんと一緒に。
Pat Cummings was my children's book teacher and very good friend now. After I got pregnant, my life has changed radically and I could not go to NY and I could not meet any friend in NY. Actually I even could not have time to write a short e-mail to them. Then, NY was just getting far and far.
Now Nanoka started the school and I finally have free time to work. Then I contacted with Pat after a long silence. Then I found that she would visit Sasebo as a part of author visit of the school in the military bases outside USA. It was such a coincidence! After I moved to Sasbo, I even could not go to Tokyo and we were so far from where we used to be, but here in Sasebo, I could make it to have reunion with my precious friend.

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