Nanoka's school had 4 classes divided by their development not by ages. They were different ages and experience helping each other. Nanoka is in the youngest class. It includes 0 year old babies and some elders recently moved to the next class, so Nanoka became one of the biggest in that class. There are two other girls in her age there, Coco and Miria.
Coco is the girl who pulled Nanoka's hair on her first visit of the school. She is famous "wild" type and Nanoka seemed to be nervous about her when she started the school.
Miria is the fancy girl who looks quiet at first glance, but soon I noticed that she behaves as her pleasure, a wild type, too.
Surrounded by two wild girls, I supposed that Nanoka might have much trouble, but actually she always talk about Coco and Miria very happily-they are best friends there. I am so excited how they grow and became good friends in 3 years, 5 years and in the future.
Then Coco appeared. She kept smiling and put her hips into Nanoka's sofa and pushed Nanoka out. Wow, how did she do that? そこに、ココちゃん登場。そして、にこにこ笑いながら、ナノカの椅子にお尻を入れると、最後には、ナノカを追い出してしまった。すごい技! |
Nanoka was mad since she hates something unreasonable. Well, be strong, Nano! 曲がった事が嫌いなナノカは、憤慨。ナノちゃん、しかたないのよ〜。強くなってね〜。 |
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