
Poor Kitten ひよわなニャンコ

We meet many cats on the way down to the bus stop. It is Nano's fun time. バス停までの階段道で、ネコにいっぱい出会う。ナノは、ネコが好きなので、大喜びだ。
One day, a tiny skinny kitten was standing at the entrance of the ruined house. It was too tiny compared with its brothers and sisters and it looked so weak for some reason(can be eye problem?) I believed that it would be difficult to live long in a wild life.そんなある日、ネコの家族が住みついてる空き家の前に、小さくて、ガリガリの子猫がいた。他の兄弟ネコと比べても格段に弱そうで、とても、野良として生き延びれそうにはなさそうだった。
 Mother cat was worried nearby her but never came closer. Nano is chubby enough by full of food. Is this kitten going to die of starve soon? I felt sad and finally fed some from Nano's snack box. Kitten ate all of them. From the day after that, I mind it every day and checked its existence. 私達が立ち止まっていると、母ネコが心配そうに見ていたが、近寄ってくる事はなかった。まるまる太って健康なナノカをお腹に抱えて、その姿を見ていると、より切なく思えてくる。いけないとは思いつつ、「たくさん、おあがり。腹一杯になった思い出も大事だもんね」とナノカのおやつのポン菓子を、子猫にあげた。子猫はガツガツ食べた。
The kitten was fine and came to us by sound of our steps. Soon I found it fine and even growing chubbier. Probably other people also feed her. そうなると、気になるもんで、毎日、生存を確かめ、その度に、おやつをあげるようになった。もう半月になるが、子猫は元気で、心なしか、太って、育っているように見える。多分、私の他にも、同じように、なんかあげてる人がいるんだろう。
After Nano was born, I became very sensitive to "small creatures." I felt deep sympathy to any so called "baby" "child" staff, and wish healthy peaceful life for all of them. I teared to hear news of abuse(I cried to see the dippers after hearing that doctor found dippers from 1 year old baby's stomach who was abandoned by mom)
Sasebo is hill town. Hill town is cat's town since more cats can live in a same space if they have heights differences. The world of the stray cats is same as wild life and weak ones cannot survive and they live shorter than house cat. I knew it was prohibited to feed the stray cat because some neighbour would mind their poops. It looked so poor,,,

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