
nursery 託児

Each kids have different characters even at this very young age. Many little kids need their mother at their side when they play at playground. Nano played apart from me and I thought that she was independent kind.まだ小さな子供だと、ママべったりの子も多い。遊び場では、ナノカは、わりと私から離れて遊んでいるタイプだ。
When I brought her to the Kindergarten for play, mommies had different program and we were told to leave kids at different room for an hour. I left her and thought she would be fine playing with teachers because of attitude at playground at usual days.ある日、幼稚園の開放日に行くと、「今日は、お母さん達は別部屋でオイリュトミーを体験してもらいますので、子供さんはここで託児します」と言われた。突然の事だったけど、「大丈夫だろう」とそーっと部屋を離れて、
When I came back to pick her up, Nano was almost sleeping after keeping crying for an hour. Teacher told me that she was standing at the door and crying calling "mommy." I was surprised and felt very sorry...Nano was not OK kinds kid,,,,1時間後に迎えに行くと、泣きつかれたナノカが、先生の膝の上で、ひっくひっくしながら、眠りかけていた。聞くと、最初から最後まで、部屋のドアにへばりついて、「ママー」と泣き通しだったと言う。意外にも、ママから離れるのは全然ダメだった。

Yesterday, I joined conference at the city center and left Nanoka at nursing next room for hour for the second time. When I came back, she had remain of tears at her cheek and she did not look at me when I talked to her. She was mad at me. Gradually is she going to be OK? 一昨日、交流会に参加する事になり、隣の部屋の託児に1時間あまり、また預けた。戻ってくると、涙のあとがたっぷりついていて(かなり大音量で泣いてたらしい)、話しかけても、こっちを見ようとしなかった。「置いて行きやがった」と怒ってるようだ、、、
I had thought that Nanoka could be fine at the nursing care. She was friendly, open to everybody and liked people. But in fact, she was not OK there. Thinking over, she had never been apart from me except being with Daddy during my dentest or beauty salon. I am like the air for her. It should be always there. From New Year, she would go to the nursing school. Is she going to be OK? 勝手な思い込みで、ナノカは人に預けても、きっと大丈夫だと思っていた。社交的な子だし、人見知りもせず、誰にでも懐くからだ。しかし、実際は、わりともたない事がわかった。考えてみれば、私が歯医者や美容院に行く間、数時間、相方に任せる以外は、物心ついてから、私と離れた事なんて、まったくない。ナノカにとって、私は空気のように、「いて当たり前」の存在で、「いなかったら、どうしたらいいのか、わからなくなる」存在なのだろう。いて当たり前なので、いなくなった一昨日の事を、ナノカは怒っていて、昨日は一日、機嫌が悪かった。年明けから、保育園に通う事が決まったんだけど、大丈夫かなあ、、、

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