
hanging persimmons つるし柿

I am hanging dried persimmons at our balcony.マンションに不釣り合いのつるし柿、やってみました。
Nagasaki produces so much fresh food-vegetable, fruit and fish. There are so many direct marketing store. It is famous that they could do good business. 佐世保周辺には、膨大の数の直売所がある。聞く所によると、直売所はビジネスとして確立していて、ちゃんとした立ち位置を確保しているのだそうだ。

It is so fun to go shopping around at the farm markets. We found season fresh food that is not affordable at the city and tried to cook as a new experience. 海、山、島、に囲まれた佐世保は、海産物、野菜、野草、果物に至るまで、旬のものが安く出回るので、ものすごく豊かな生活ができる。私も栗を煮たり、相方も(めったに料理しないのに)魚を刺し身にしたり、新しい事にチャレンジしている。
Nano is very picky to food and eat only very fresh season food. She will be difficult...こんな環境で育つと、ナノカは(ただでさえ、ものすごく食が細くて、難しいのに)贅沢に育ちそうだなあ、、、
Food education is family education. It depends on what their parents eat and feed. One kindergarten teachers said that recent young moms didn't eat breakfast and they did not prepare for kids before school so that they came to school hungry. Nobody could do something for that since it was family matter. Anyway, it will effect kids life of food a lot. In Nagasaki prefecture, many organisations take action to the food education. Many nursery school and kindergarten serve the traditional cooked food. They even let kids experience farming and making slow food such as miso. Kids will learn a lot not only from sight and taste, but also from smell, touch and sound. I am so happy to meet so many row ingredients every seasons.

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