
Cool Beauty? クールビューティー・ナノ?

Nanoka is generally super-friendly girl. She smiled at everybody when she saw and talked to them, did pee-ka-boo. So I thought she would have no afraid of stranger and brought her everywhere. However, she suddenly showed afraid and started to cry. It was usually to very friendly, good at playing with kids, people. Nano dislike "too nice, too friendly" person.
Haru-kun, was a boy whom Nano often met at the playground. For some reasons, he likes Nanoka. He found Nanoka at the entrance and ran to hug her. 遊び場にハルくんという男の子がいる。どうやら、ナノカの事を気に入ってるようで、部屋に入ると、だーっと寄ってくる。

Nano denied his offer making difficult face. She dislikes "too friendly attitude." Sorry, Haru-kun. しかし、ナノカは積極的に来られるとダメなタイプなので、「いや」と、すげない態度をとる。ゴメンねえ、、、
Soon, Haru-kun gace Nanoka cookie bread. It was difficult for the baby to give their favorite food and we were amazed. And Nano did not accept. It was rare for the baby to do, too,,,そのうち、袋の中から、ハルくんが好物のメロンパンを出して、ナノカに渡した。子供がなかなか、自分の好物を友達にはあげられないものだから、「おお〜」と感心して、みんなで見守っていたら、ナノカが「いいです」という感じで首を振って、お断りした。子供はこれまた受け取っちゃうものだから、みんなが「ナノちゃん、クールねえ〜」と言っていた。
I told husband when he came home. He said, "I wanted to see Nano denied and Haru-kun was sad. Take Picture." For some reasons, he was thinking that Nano should be cool on boys. Silly daddy.帰ってきた相方にその話をすると、「ナノがツーンとして、ハルくんがしゅーんとしてる所を、写真に撮ってきてよ」と、なんだかご満悦な様子。どうやら、ナノカが男の子に冷たいのが、いいと思っている様子だ。バカパパ、、、

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