
No! ダメ!

We said "No" to tell Nano to stop the dangerous action such as playing with the plugs. ナノが一人でいろいろしでかすようになったので、危険な事をやめさせる時には、「No」と言うことにした。

She might understand that we were trying to stop, but it was not serious for her. She giggled when she was said "No" 多分、止められてる事はわかってるのだが、私が「No」と言うと、にやっと笑って、やめないナノ。なめられてるようだ、、、

Yesterday I found Nano biting waste of coffee filtered paper in the kitchen. I said, "Oh my god!" loudly. ところが、昨日、キッチンでコーヒーのかすをゴミ箱から出して、ほおばっているナノカを見つけて、「うわ〜」と叫んだら、

I did not scald her at all (I think I had never except saying no when I found dangerous as above), but she burst to cry with dirt of coffee waste. It was huge mess. Mommy wanted to cry...火がついたみたいに、泣き出した。しかった訳じゃないのに、なんで泣くんだ?(というか、Noは言っても、しかられた事すらないのに)泣きたいのはママなんだけどなあ〜
There are several ways of thinking about how to educate the kids. Some books said that we should not stop them at all and we should not say "No" at any time. In other books they said that the kids needs instruction. It is really confusing for parents to follow which way. In Japan it is big stream that no "No" education recently and I saw many mothers and fathers believed it. We do not know what is right or not, but we think, no "No" is a little difficult. When we go out, visit friends, or at the store, kids have to follow the rules there, and we cannot control baby if we did no "No" education every day. We started to stop her only when it is dangerous since Nano is still small and hard to be educated. But what is dangerous is up to person and husband and I had different idea some times.

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