
she talks like grown-ups 口達者

Kids watch, listen and understand grown ups doing and try to respond as they learned through experiences. As Nanoka's language developed, I can see her thoughts-I did not expect that she said at this place, but she understood her leaving, sad emotion, and kindness to grand parents.
実家を出る前日、買い物した先で、クーポンが翌日からの割引で、使えず、「この子達、明日、帰っちゃうんですよねえ」と、父が残念がっていると、On the day before leaving parent's  house, we went shopping and found the discount coupon available only the next day. Father said "too bad. They will leave tomorrow"

黙って聞いていたナノカが、「ナノカが帰って、さびしいけど、気にしなくていいんだよ。」とぽつぽつ言い出したかと思うと Nanoka listened to their conversation and suddenly said, "Don't worry, grandpa. We will leave and you will miss us, but it is OK"

「また、来てあげるから」と、しめた。いや、そういう話ではないし、、、"I will visit you again!" Well, it is not about that.

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