Cherry blossom is the special flower for Japanese. All the people mind when is in full bloom and many have picnic under the tree. It is historical event and poets 1000 years ago even made poems about it. I was grown up with cherry blossom since my house was close to cherry blossom park and I even could smell 1 week before flower blooming. The country is all covered with pale pink and it makes people happy to forget about all the anxiety. Well, there is famous poem, "if there was no cherry blossom in the world, we would not have had so much worry like this." So it could be the season worrying about cherry blossom and weather forgetting about other staff.「世の中に 絶えて桜のなかりせば 春の心は のどけからまし」というが、日本人にとって桜は、いつお花見をしよう、見逃したくない、とウキウキ、浮かれた気持ちになる特別な季節。私も、桜に囲まれて育ち、春が近づいてくると、今年はどこで何をしよう、とワクワクしてしまうクチだ。
This is Nano's first spring. I was looking forward to showing her cherry blossom and imagined how she reacted all pink world. 今年はナノカにとって、初めての春。桜が咲いたら、どんな反応をするんだろう、と想像して楽しみにしていた。 |
Here they were blooming. From the car, I showed Nano, but Nano could not recognised far scenery. いざ咲いて、車の中から、「ほらナノちゃん、桜よ。きれいねえ」と言って見せても、チビには遠景は目に入らないのか、全然、反応しない。 |
Finally my parents and we went to picnic to the famous cherry blossom park. It was huge crowd. Everybody was amazed at cherry blossom. Everybody,,,except Nano. ついに、お花見をしようと、じじババとしだれ桜が有名な公園に行った。花は重たそうに、もこもこ咲いて、人もいっぱいの中、ナノカに桜を見せたのだが、「だから?」という反応で(考えてみたら、桜どころか、外自体がすでに新しく、これなに?て新鮮に思う以前の話だったかも) |
And she was devoted on picking up dandelion in front of her. She picked all the dandelion. Well, it is OK. It is flower, too. 目の前のタンポポをかたっぱしから、頭からブチブチもいでました。ははは。 |
Ah! あ、、、
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