Haruto hated to wear the clothing. It was almost impossible to have fitting at the store.ハルトは服を着るのが嫌いで、姉は手こずっていた。子供服売り場で試着させようとすると、大騒ぎだった。 |
So I thought Nano would deny to wear the dress at the store, その記憶があったので、赤ちゃんは試着が嫌いだろうと思い、初めての試着では、ナノに慎重に服を着せて、 |
so at the first time to have fitting at the store, I tried to be careful and praised her a lot, she was quiet and,,,ほめまくってみた。黙ってるので、やっぱり泣くかな、と思ったら、 |
smiled! I was relieved and glad. We could have peaceful fitting time like this, I thought.にや〜と笑った。やった、ナノは難しくないぞ。 |
However actually it was more than peaceful. She loved wearing new dresses. She is always in a very good mode when she wore new clothing. I gradually became scared. そのうち、ナノは試着に問題がない、どころではなく、どうやら新しい服が大好きなようで、ご機嫌で試着しては、いい笑顔でこたえることがわかった。あんまりに機嫌がいいので、だんだんこわくなってきた。 |
I remembered the girl at the Zara kid's store in Yokohama, I saw a stylish elementary school girl made model pose in front of fitting mirror. Daddy was standing behind. Is Nano going to be like that? Girls...そういや、横浜のザラで、小学生ぐらいの女の子がコートを試着して、鏡のまえでポーズをきめていたのを思い出した。シティガールは違うなあ、と思って眺めてたのだけど、女の子って小さな頃から、お洋服好きなのかな(0歳児でも!?)ママは少し、おそろしいよ、、、 |
Generally babies hate dressing. It might be they are closed to nature and they do not know the meaning of dressing. So they refused to change the clothes, especially fitting. To imagine their emotion, they must feel anxiety outside and also it is very tiring to repeat meaningless(for them) changing dress. I remembered Haruto had very difficult time to change the clothes. When my sister went shopping to kid's wear shop, he even cried and ran away. (Even now he hates fitting-well worse, maybe). So I kind of prepared to have fight with Nano about dressing when she was born. However, she had almost no problem about fitting time at the shop. Girls are born to be dress-lover by nature?
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