Nanoka and I went to Sasebo to meet up husband for apartment search last
weekend. We only had this weekend to look around and I had no choice
rather than plane to get there. My husband reserved flight via
Kobe-cheapest flight. It meant we had to take two flights per one way.
For babies, the flight is unexpected incident. The air pressure change
effected on their ears and many babies cried. So did Nano. It reminded
me her sunset cry. She had never stopped crying even I did
everything-hold, sing, swing and talk. I felt all the passengers ears on
us. Some were signing and showed their uncomfort. I felt terrible
sorry, but what could I do for that? I stood around toilet while seat
belt sign's off, but we had to be seated when taking off and landing. I
was exausted after the flight. One elder woman talked to me, "Mummy is
hard. You must be tired." and I nearly cried. I noticed how hard to
travel with baby for the first time. Some might think it was mother's
responsibilities to keep baby quiet, but actually it is
impossible. 週末、部屋探しに、佐世保に行ってきた。神戸経由便を利用したため、往復で4回のフライトになった。ナノにとって、はじめて
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