I looked up the book and they said that rice is the least allergic food. I decided to feed Nano slowly and step by step pale rice porridge. 離乳食やアレルギーの事を調べまくり、お米なら、アレルギーも出にくそうだな、と思い、まずは「おもゆ」をひとさじずつ、ふやしていき、さらに「10倍粥」にしていく、というので様子を見ながら、始める事にした。
On first day, I gave her just one spoon of flavored water with rice, two spoons on second day and three on third. It will be pale rice porridge after that. Nano was excited to eat every time and had more, but I only gave her the amount setup. 味のついた水をもらって、喜々としてスプーンに再びつかみかかるナノ。もっと欲しがるが、規定量を守りながら、ゆっくり離乳食を進め始めた。
One morning, I was eating breakfast and found Nano holding apple happily. My mom gave her apple from her dish. Gush, my plan super careful plan was spoiled! そんなある日の朝、ふと見ると、りんごを手に握りしめて、雄叫びをあげてるナノを発見。なんと、母が勝手に、自分の皿から与えてしまったのだ。「おいしいか〜?」とか言ってるし、、、まったく、油断も隙もない。私の綿密な計画が台無しだよ。
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