
First Sex Education ハルト日記「初性教育」

Haruto loves babies. There was a episode of him that showed it. It was the other day and Haruto asked very difficult question. My sister has belief that she should teach everything correct when Haruto asked.

"Yesterday, after the bath,

Haruto found the hard parts inside of boo-boo.

He asked me 'what's this?'

so I answered, 'it contains source of baby. It is important parts.'

then he was so excited 'I love babies and I will make baby right away. Tell me how!'

so I explained 'you cannot make baby from your source. Source has to be together with egg from women to become baby. First of all, you are too small to make babies. When you grow bigger, you find the women you really like, then you both agreed, you can make babies,,,'

He was half sure and half unsure about that, but anyway he stopped questioning."

"I felt relieved that he stopped questioning how to make egg and source together"

She is such a strong-minded mom. I told this to my husband and he said, "it is too early!" Yeah, probably it is early to teach sex for three years old. But I could remember my mom also showed me the photo of science magazine to teach the meeting of spam and egg. Is it my family tradition? As for me, if my child asked me the same question, I probably teach as correct as possible. It must be so difficult to teach above "how to make,though,,,,

2 件のコメント:

Horacio さんのコメント...

Kae chan.

You must be so exited and happy, Keep well and the baby too.

Big big news!!

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...


Thank you!
I and my baby are well doing. It is happy time!