
Peat and Ribon ピートとリボン挿絵

I illustrated the story by Kaori Komori for magazine. Cute story.
Brother and sister kitten named Peat and Ribon
It is Christmas time. The decorations are everywhere in the town.
They visited fox. He had a huge Christmas tree decorated beautiful apples.
They visited Rabbit family. They were practicing the myth.
They visited goat. Goat daddy baked Christmas cakes. 
Then they found the simple house with poster saying "No Santa Craus, please"
It was porcupine's house. He was mean to say, "do not bother me!"
Peat and Ribon watched him through the window. He said sadly, "nobody celebrate my birthday. I was born in Christmas. I hate Christmas..."
Peat and Ribon hit idea. They invited porcupine to the party under the bridge. They also invited eagle and cow, who were also born in Christmas. Porcupine were happy to know there were other Christmas birthday people. Santa Craus dropped by. He said he was also born in December but he never had time to celebrate since he was always busy at that time. They all celebrate the day. 

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