
Meeting the unknown 未知との遭遇

Haruto, my nephew, was eager to have younger brothers or sisters. My sister and her husband already made their mind not to have any more child. They told Haruto that my baby would be his sister. So Haruto was very much looking forward to Nanoka's birth. For the first month, he asked almost every day to come to Grandparents house to see Nanoka. My sister told him, it was not so much fun since very small baby just slept all day long and rarely react, but Haruto insisted that he loved tiny baby who could do nothing. He said, "I have to go in a harry. Nanoka will be big before I met her." Finally after we went back to Yokohama after 1st month exam, Haruto happened to see Nanoka. He thought that he missed small baby time of Nanoka. Oh, well, Nanoka was just 1 month old at that time, but her size was 5-6 months.
Haruto had wanted to see Nanoka since she was born. He was afraid of missing tiny baby time. ハルトはナノカが産まれてから、早く会いたくてたまらなかった。フニャフニャ赤ちゃん時代を見逃したくなかったのだ。

Finally after a month, Haruto met Nanoka. At first he was nervous and Nanoka was scared of the unknown visitor. So they were quietly distanced. 1ヶ月が経ち、とうとう、出会った二人。ハルトもナノカも少し緊張していたのか、距離があったのだが、

Nanoka took bath, had milk and change the dippers in front of Haruto. Gradually she showed her emotions. お風呂に入れたり、オムツを換えたり、おっぱいを飲ませたりして、ナノカに表情が出て来ると、、、

Haruto felt familiar to her by that. Then he said, "She is kind of cute." It was strange expression. ハルトもだんだん、ナノカに親しみがわいてきて、近づいてきた。そして、「けっこうかわいいね」と一言。「けっこう」なのね。

And he touched her, showed toy and talked to her. He said again, "she is a kind of cute." He said it three times. I thought that he liked her! そして、なでたり、オモチャを見せたりして、また、「けっこうかわいいね」と、同じ事を、何度も言っていた。どうやら、お気に召したようで、よかった。

2 件のコメント:

バチャータで、やっさん さんのコメント...


にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...
