
At the bus,,, バスにて

When I was pregnant, I disliked to take the public transportation. Pregnant women, disabled, elders and moms with very small kids were supposed to have seat, but I rarely got offered the seat. I did not mean that I wanted to sit all the time, but it was a little uncomfortable scenery that all the younger sat touching their cellphone or games. Others were just sleeping and never see other. I felt some sickness of the city and I just disappointed. I started to think that I should accept this since people were busy, tired, and had no mind to others. After Nano was born, it might be baby magic, but I got some different reaction from the city.
When I was pregnant, I rode on train several times, but nobody gave me its seat. I felt Tokyo was cold city. 妊婦時代、電車に乗っても、誰も席を譲ってくれる事はなかった。東京って冷たいんだなあ、と思った。

After Nano was born, I went out and found the bus going to my closest bus stop which comes only once per hour. I jumped on it. ナノが産まれて、はじめてのおでかけの帰り、1時間に一本のバスを見つけて飛び乗った。

but Nano woke up in a bad mode. Well, she would cry if I didn't give breastfeeding. I did not want to miss this once per hour bus, but maybe I should get off the bus since people would feel bad about baby crying. すると、目を覚ましたナノが、おっぱいが欲しくて、ぐずり始めた。このままでは、泣きそうだし、周りの人に迷惑だから、あきらめて、降りなきゃいけないかと思った瞬間、

But a woman in my mom's age talked to me, "She can cry." and other woman said, "How old is she?" Then I did not have to get off. 同乗していたおば様が、「いいのよ〜、泣いたって」と声をかけてくれた。他のおば様も、「かわいいわね〜。いくつ?うちの孫はもう大きくなっちゃってね〜」と話しかけてくれたので、バスを降りずに済んだ。

I went home OK thanks to them. That was the time to feel the warmth of community and I changed the idea about the city. そして、家に無事着いた。こういう助けなしには、子育てはできないなあ、としみじみ感じた。おば様、ありがとう。

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