
Poplar Nano? モテモテなのちゃん?

We are average parents, not like models. So we knew that our baby would not be super-model kinds. But Nano looks so cute to us(we were one of silly parents). She seems to gather good parts of all the family. Her pale skin is coming from husband, her wise-looking brow came from my father, and dark thick hair came from husband's father. We thought we did good job. 私達は、(見た目的に)ごく一般的な夫婦だ。ということで、まかり間違っても、モデルみたいな子どもが生まれてくるとは、思ってない。が、実際生まれてみると、ナノは結構かわいい。典型的な親バカ心なのだろうが、それにしても、一族郎党のいい所を、うまい具合に寄せ集めて、いい具合な感じがする。(のも、やっぱり勘違いなのかもしれないけど)ということで、夫婦で、「うまい事やった」と、言いあっていた。二人で言いあってる分には、冗談に収まってるのだから、楽しいし、いいものだ。

When we were at Sendai, mother in law looked over Nano and she said, "Nano looks like Kae's mother when smiling. Nano is beauty." Husband did not show any interest and just said, "really?" reading newspaper. 正月に仙台に連れて行ったら、お義母さんが、「笑うと誰かに似てる」とナノカの顔をじっくり見て、「カエちゃんのお母さんだ。美人な所が似てる」と言った。相方は、「そう?」と気のない様子で流していた。

On way home when he was driving, he said, "I am thinking,,," in serious voice, and asked me, 帰りの車の中、相方が、真面目な口調で、「あのさあ、考えてたんだけど、、、」と切り出すので、何かと思ったら、、、

"What kind of girl is she becoming if she gets so poplar among boys?" I was surprised to hear that. Did he seriously worry about that from now? "Well it is the matter how parents teach what is important in the life. In the case we taught her right, it is just good things because she has more choices." I answered. Daddy, you will have so much anxiety for next 20 years! 「ねえ、モテ過ぎると、女の子って、性格的にどうなの?」と聞いてきた。え?今からナノの将来の心配?「美人」て言われたから?(それも、ばば愛で目がくもってる、身内の意見をまともに受けて?)ホント、これから、パパは気苦労が多そうですねえ。

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