
Riding Time machine タイムマシンに乗って、、、

Are there many people wishing to ride the time machine to go back to the past, and change something? Vanish the fact, get the lost staff, have another chance, and bring back the relationship,,,but the time machine does not exist. It won't be investigated forever, in my view. Time is so absolute.
I am the person who does not have any desire to go back to the past. I even do not have regret.(This is the reason why I cannot learn from the past?) I had no so much things I hadn't done. Of course I made so much mistake, though. I just think highly NOW. If I can do something now, I do. But are there anything I can do but accept the result and keep going?
If we talk about the past as "truth that happened in the past", it is only one fact there. We cannot change since we do not have time machine. But if we talk about the past as "memory of personal experience" it is up to the person. It exist in the heart and body of each person and it could be different from the fact. But are there any meaning for seeking the fact? We have to go ahead, with these memory. We just need the memory helping us to go ahead.

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